
Android Backup, Upgrade ROM and Restore (LG P500)

[2013/06/01 updated]
I decide back to 2.3.7 ROM my LG P500 Android phone for more responsive.  .
Here I record what I've done about backup/upgrade/restore process.
  1. Rooted
  2. ClockWorkMod Recovery installed,(Using ROM Manager to install is easier method)
Backup process:
  1. Install Packages:App List BackupROM Manager, Online Nandroid Backup
  2. Backup by tool(App List Backup, Online Nandroid Backup)
  3. Backup by manual (packages which installed personally):
    1. Backup Call logs
    2. Backup SMS
    3. Backup AndroMoney's record
    4. 費欲輕: 9th
    5. ex撥號:Settings/Advanced/Backup
    6. LIME-HD:初始化資料庫/備份資料庫
Upgrade process:
  1. Download  ROM (see history below)
  2. Upload to SD card by AirDroid or other method.
  3. Reboot to 'Recovery' mode.(Home+Vol_Down+Power)
  4. ClockworkMod Recovery v5.0.2.0 ('Menu/Home':select, 'Search':Enter, 'Back':Back)
    1. Wipe data/factory reset
    2. Wipe cache partition
    3. Go Back
    4. 'mounts and storage' do: -> format /system
    5. Advanced/Wipe Dalvik-Cache
    6. Advanced/Wipe Battery Stats
    7. Go Back
    8. install zip from sdcard
    9. Go Back
    10. reboot system now
Restore process:
  1. Skip the account login (Because I use 2nd phase login which requires phone operation workable)
    1. for Google 2-step verification log on Android 2.3.x, check google page.
  2. Try restore manually at first.
    1. System Settings/Account/Google Account
    2. Install Link2SD, enable ext4 and auto link
    3. Use App List Backup manually restore required apps
Note: The stable setting of maximum CPU is 748Mhz.
  • 2012/12/11 ICySNAP v1.2 FORYOUREYES | ICS 4.0.4 | LGE 3.1 UI
    • Problems
      • Automatic Reboot after CPU set as 806, press camera
      • Google Market download speed is very slow(It seems caused by d2ext).
      • d2ext is not stable
  • 2012/12/26 changed to AOKP 4.0.4 23/12/12 ROM
    • upgrade zips
      • aokp_p500-ota-eng.parvez.m6-031212.zip
      • gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip
    • After Upgrade Settings
      • System Settings/AOKP Settings/Performance(SMARTASSV2, 122~787 Mhz, set on boot)
    • Problems
      • voice search not workable
      • Text To Voice can NOT work (both Google Voice or pico TTS)
      • automatic reboot:
        • installing facebook(SOLVED)
          • turn off Link2SD's automatic link function
          • install facebook
          • manual change facebook to link in Link2SD
        • setting of 超注音 (two days after installation)
        • playing "zookeeper battle"
  • 2013/01/07 planning to change another older ROM for stable consideration.
  • 2013/01/25 Change to ICySNAP v.6  & CAF-ICS kernel
    • upgrade zips
      • eng-070113-ICySNAP-v1.6-SKYFALL-FINAL-LGEUI3.1-CM9.1.5_signed.zip
      • caf-p500-20121202_1748.zip
    • After upgrade 'su' commands(in 'terminal' application):
      • unpatch
      • bootfxoff # DISABLE BOOT SOUND
      • dslog # DISABLE LOGCAT
      • emissions
    • Performance
      • SMARTASSV2, 300~600 Mhz
  • 2013/05/06 Downgrade to Oxygen 2.3.2 (Android 2.3.7)
  • 2013/06/01 Try to recover a bricked LG P500(boot and see LG logo only),ref 1ref
    • Download LG Mobile Support Tool
    • In LG Mobile Support Tool
      • Menu->Customer Support->Application, Manual & USB Driver Download
        • Enter IEMI it will detect your model, double click 'USB Driver' to download it
      • Menu->Customer Support->Recovery Phone (It is uesless, just skip this step)
        • Enter IEMI it will detect your model
    • Prepare KDZ_FW_UPD.EXE tool
      • TYPE:3GQCT, Phone MODE:DIAG, File:V20E_00.kdz
      • Let phone enter 'Emergency Mode'
        • remove battery & usb, hold vol_up + back (Don't release till FINISH) , plug usb to PC, install battery, the yellow screen will show
      • Press 'Launch software update'
      • Hold and wait about 3~5 minutes and the KDZ_FW_UPD will show 'FINISH'
      • release vol_up+back, unplug usb, power on your phone
      • wait about 3 minutes for boot, if not successful, press VolDown+Home+Power to reset
